
Education Minister addresses controversy over ‘Sharifa’s story’ in textbook


Education Minister talks about concerns over transgender issue 

Speaking to reporters after a courtesy meeting with Marie Masdupuy, the ambassador of France assigned to Bangladesh, Nowfel mentioned that corrections would be made if there were any confusion in the story. He highlighted a previous concern related to Islamic custody, stating that after discussions, the confusion was clarified. Questions were raised about the portrayal of transgender individuals in the story, and Nowfel emphasised the importance of acknowledging the third gender, which is legally recognised, ensuring students are aware of this aspect of society.

 Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel on Tuesday addressed the media regarding the ongoing controversy over a story featured in a textbook.

“We plan to consult with experts about the story of Sharifa discussed in the textbook. If there's any confusion or misrepresentation, changes will be made,” Nowfel told reporters at the Secretariat.

The story of Sharifa previously sparked debate, and currently, some are protesting over its content. The education minister emphasized the need for a thorough discussion with the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) to understand why the story is eliciting such reactions.

He expressed concern about certain groups’ tendency to exploit religious sentiments and instigate instability and anarchy in the country.

He said: “A few days ago, some recommendations were given to me from an organization. Some Qawmi madrasa teachers claimed that the word ‘transgender’ has been used in the textbook. However, upon examination, it was clarified that the term used was ‘third gender’.”

“In our society, third gender individuals, commonly known as ‘Hijra,’ are legally recognized citizens with rights," the minister clarified.

He further added: “If the presentation of the story leads to misunderstandings and controversies, we will discuss with experts whether we can modify its presentation while respecting the dignity of the third gender individuals. This is a specialized issue, and we don’t want to comment at a policy level.”

Responding to a question about the Brac University controversy, the education minister said: “We will discuss this matter with Brac University and understand the issue through the University Grants Commission, following which a detailed discussion will be held.”

According to experts, hijra is a gender-based community in South Asian region consisting of diverse people who follow different traditions, livelihood, lifestyle, law and language. Transgender is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Third gender is a concept in which individuals are categorized, either by themselves or by society, as neither a man or woman.


Turning to critics, the education minister acknowledged that there are elements that consistently destabilise situations by raising religious issues. He mentioned that while the current curriculum is subject to review for any weaknesses, changes will be made based on logical considerations and expert advice. Nowfel discussed the challenges faced in providing textbooks to students, noting that over 32 crore books are being distributed for free. He attributed issues with the quality of printing, including paper, to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the dollar crisis. The ministry is actively addressing these concerns, and actions will be taken against any conspiracies affecting the quality of educational materials.
 Responding to the ongoing debate surrounding BRAC University, the education minister mentioned that the University Grants Commission will engage in discussions with the university authorities to address the matter.
 Sharif, in spite of being recognised as a boy by society, came to realise at one stage in their life that they were actually a girl. They [Sharif] dressed and acted in a manner traditionally associated with girls, and would also play along with other girls.

 Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel addressed the media on Tuesday regarding the ongoing controversy over a story featured in a textbook.

“We plan to consult experts about the story of Sharifa discussed in the textbook. If there’s any confusion or misrepresentation, changes will be made,” Chowdhury told reporters at the Secretariat.

The story of Sharifa previously sparked debate, and currently, some are protesting over its content.

The education minister emphasised the need for a thorough discussion with the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) to understand why the story is eliciting such reactions.

He also expressed concern about certain groups’ tendency to exploit religious sentiments and instigate instability and anarchy in the country and said, “A few days ago, some recommendations were given to me from an organisation. Some Qawmi madrasa teachers claimed that the word ‘transgender’ has been used in the textbook. However, upon examination, it was clarified that the term used was ‘third gender’.”

“In our society, third-gender individuals, commonly known as ‘Hijra', are legally recognised citizens with rights,” Chowdhury clarified.

He further said, “If the presentation of the story leads to misunderstandings and controversies, we will discuss with experts whether we can modify its presentation while respecting the dignity of third-gender individuals. This is a specialised issue, and we don’t want to comment at a policy level.”

Responding to a question about the BRAC University controversy, the education minister said, “We will discuss this issue with BRAC University and understand it through the University Grants Commission, after which a detailed discussion will be held.” 

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Because of such "feminine" behaviour, they used to be ridiculed, and even punished on a regular basis, leading to their gradual isolation from their surroundings. 

But then came a day when Sharif came across another person, who despite being labelled as a girl by society, used to identify themselves as a boy. They informed Sharif that they (plural) were neither a male nor a female; they were actually "third gender". 
Nowfel also highlighted France's cooperation in enhancing the quality of mathematics education and expressed gratitude for their support in maritime and aviation education at the university level. Recognizing the demand for French language skills in Gulf countries, he mentioned that France would provide assistance in language learning.


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