
How to Make Money on Twitter


                                                 1. Become a Ghostwriter

A Twitter ghostwriter is someone who writes content in the form of tweets and threads for another person or company.In exchange, the ghostwriter earns money for the writing they provide.It’s a proven idea that can quickly become a 6-figure business.For example, one of my good Twitter friends was recently paid $12.5k by 1 client for his ghostwriting services.

Most business owners don’t have time to think about:

  • How to create a tweet
  • The optimal time to send it out
  • Engaging with their Twitter audience 
  • And that’s where someone like a Twitter ghostwriter would come into play.

How to do it

Want to make money as a Twitter ghostwriter?

Here’s the proven formula to get your first ghostwriting client:

  1. Join Masterclass 24/7
  2. Enter the Masterclass 24/7 Discord channel
  3. Study the methods in the Discord ghostwriting channel
  4. Go to the Masterclass 24/7 library and watch the ghostwriting webinars
  5. Take notes and implement the proven methods from the webinars
  6. Keep writing, learning, and building your Twitter brand
  7. Reach out to people who are looking to sell products or services
  8. Book a call/interview with your potential client

Once your prospect has shown some interest in your ghostwriting, the next step might be to request a call with them and ask pinpointed questions such as:

  • What do you teach? 
  • What are your goals? 
  • Who is in your network? 
  • What are your expectations?
  • What’s a cool fact about you?
  • What is your target audience? 
  • Which Twitter accounts do you look up to?
  • What are some commonly asked questions you get? 

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money on Twitter.

Affiliates make sales by getting people to click on their affiliate link.

Any time someone clicks on your affiliate link (and makes a purchase), you’ll receive a commission.

Here’s a breakdown of the strategy:

  1. Create a high-engagement tweet
  2. Wait to get a reasonable engagement rate
  3. Plug your 2nd tweet with your affiliate link below

How to do it

Affiliate marketing builds momentum over the long run – and you can make some serious money with it (we’re talking over $5,000+ per month).

Here’s the process:

  1. Purchase a product or service that is in your niche
  2. Use the product or service
  3. Learn about the product/service and start getting (and documenting) results
  4. Request an affiliate link from the creator of the product/service
  5. Download Twitter Affiliate Mastery
  6. Implement the strategies in the course
  7. Continue building your Twitter audience
  8. Subtly promote your affiliated products/services
  9. Always be authentic when you sell

Within the first 24 hours of finishing this course, I implemented one of the strategies and made 2 sales.

And it gets better: Out of 245 ratings, 100% give this course a 5-star rating.

That’s because the strategies here work, regardless of your number of followers.


                                             3. Build Your Email List

One of the best places to collect email subscribers is on Twitter. 

The image above shows a simple strategy that has helped me build my email list to over 10,000 subscribers.

Now you might be wondering, what’s so important about building an email list?

Here’s the deal:

An email list can easily be your most important asset.

Every time you create a piece of content and press the send button, your readers get an email from you in their inbox.

You can either sell your own product/services or someone else’s.

It’s a simple way to make $1,000s per month.

How to do it

Ready to start building your email list and making money?

Here’s the process:

  1. Download Write Once, Sell Twice
  2. Subscribe to an email service provider such as MailChimp or MailerLite (what I use)
  3. Design an email landing page
  4. Incorporate your email landing page on your Twitter profile
  5. Use the strategies in the email course to get your first 100 subscribers
  6. Follow the simple process in the email course to start making money from your emails
  7. Continue to build your email list

As you can see, you can become a master in email marketing without a college or university degree.

All you need is a long-term vision, consistency, and the discipline to commit.

                                                4. Promote Your Business

Thanks to social media platforms like Twitter, you can promote your business online and reach millions of people for free.

And it gets better:

There are successful influencers that share all of their:

  • Proven strategies to grow your network
  • Proven tactics to accelerate your income
  • Proven frameworks to build social media accounts

So instead of reinventing the wheel and wasting hours of your precious time, you can simply learn from the best.

How to do it

Ready to promote your business and increase your income?

Here’s exactly what you have to do:

  1. Join Masterclass 24/7
  2. Implement the proven frameworks
  3. Create engaging and valuable content
  4. Become involved in Twitter communities
  5. Participate in Twitter Spaces programs
  6. Engage with your audience on your tweets
  7. Engage with your audience using direct messages

                                       5. Post Sponsored Tweets

One of the most common ways to make money on Twitter is by posting sponsored tweets from your Twitter account.The goal, of course, would be to sell the products/services promoted in your sponsored tweet.The good news is that there are many platforms that can connect you with businesses looking to promote their tweets on your Twitter profile. 

The amount of money you can earn really depends on your contract – some may pay you by: 

  • The number of clicks your post produces
  • The number of Twitter followers you have
  • The number of e-mail leads from your post
  • The number of conversions your post generates

How to do it

Promoting sponsored tweets is a pretty straightforward process.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a professional Twitter profile
  2. Download Create 24/7 and learn how to build your audience
  3. Engage with and grow your follower base
  4. Find companies looking for Twitter influencers who will promote their product/service

Just keep in mind that you’ll probably have more success in finding companies that are willing to pay you for sponsored content if you have more legit followers.


                                6. Earn Monthly Revenue with Super Follows

Twitter Super Follows was first rolled out to select Twitter users in September of 2021, so this feature is still relatively new.The Super Follows feature is enabled for those with 10,000+ Twitter followers.Twitter content creators can charge a monthly subscription fee of up to $9.99 for their Super Followers to access exclusive content tailored just for them.

How to do it

Want to start earning monthly revenue by sharing subscriber-only content with your Twitter followers?

Here’s the process:

  1. Create a professional Twitter profile
  2. Download Create 24/7 and learn how to grow your audience
  3. Build your Twitting following to over 10,000+ legit followers
  4. Follow requirements such as: Be 18+ years old, live in the US, tweet 25+ times in the past 30 days, etc.
  5. Navigate to your Twitter main menu
  6. Click on the Monetization button
  7. Click on the Super Follows button
  8. Complete the Super Follows application

                                                 7. Use Ticketed Spaces

In November of 2020, Twitter launched what is known as Twitter Spaces.Especially if you’re in the educational niche or other industry that promotes learning, a Ticketed Space might be the right Twitter monetization move for you. 

                                               8. Start a Community

You can build a community around virtually anything and use Twitter to recruit new members.And here’s the best part about starting an online community:You can earn monthly recurring income from your memberships.

Think about it:

  • 100 members
  • $5 per monthly membership
  • Gross monthly passive income: $500

Not only do communities help you earn passive income but you can also extend your network!

Talk about a win-win.

How to do it

Building an online community takes a lot of work, but it can be highly rewarding.

Here’s the process:

  1. Choose your online community platform (examples include Telegram, Discord, etc.)
  2. Consider your online community’s niche (fitness, Twitter engagement, etc.)
  3. Determine your community monthly membership fee 
  4. Build a landing page promoting your online community (you can use platforms like Gumroad)
  5. Promote your online community across your network



                           9. Sell Your Products and/or Services

Believe me, using Twitter to sell your goods/services works.

How to do it

Selling your products or service is much easier and cheaper than you think.Thanks to Twitter, it’s actually free.Here’s how you can start selling now:

  1. Determine which platform you want to sell your product/service on (examples include Gumroad, Amazon, Etsy, etc.)
  2. Determine how much you want to charge
  3. Add a link to your products/services in your profile Twitter landing page
  4. Promote your products/services by adding a “plug” to high-performing tweets & threads
  5. Connect with your audience by sending targeted, customized, and high-quality direct messages
  6. Consider promoting your products/services in your emails

In reality, there are so many different ways to start selling your products and services.

                                                 10. Get Clients

Finding and locking in clients can be daunting.

Thankfully, Twitter offers such a great community to connect and engage with clients.

But before you jump in any further, you have to ask yourself:

How much do you want to land your first few clients?

If you’ve answered anything other than “I don’t care,” you need to become comfortable with the idea that to make a lot of money, you need to spend some money.

But, only spend money on proven strategies.

How to do it

Finding clients on Twitter can be hard work – especially if you don’t know where to start.

Here’s the process to close a client in 30 days:

  1. Join Masterclass 24/7
  2. Implement the proven frameworks
  3. Develop valuable and engaging content ideas
  4. Consistently engage with your audience both via tweets and direct messages (DM’s are typically one of the best ways to connect with prospects)
  5. Expose yourself to more publicity by regularly joining Twitter Spaces, offer a free gift (ebook, step-by-step guide, etc.) to draw in your prospects
  6. Consider offering free webinars to your Twitter audience, introducing yourself and your products/services

                                                    More Information







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