
What Is Facebook Marketing? How to Market Your Business on Facebook?


Facebook, the biggest social media platform now offers businesses to market themselves on their platform. Facebook has a dedicated marketplace section along with its usual features that you can use to advertise and market for your brand and business. Facebook marketing denotes the strategies and methods that involve brand marketing and endorsement through the help of Facebook.

To market your business on Facebook, you need to follow these tips. Always make sure to get a proper strategy before you start marketing.

Step-by-step guide to setting up Facebook for business

It doesn’t cost anything to set up a Facebook Page. Once you’ve created your Page, you can also use it to post content, link to your website, and communicate with Fans and followers for free.

That makes a Facebook Page an incredibly valuable tool for any marketer working with a limited budget.

You also need to create a Facebook Business Page before you can start using paid marketing strategies on Facebook, including Facebook ads. So, the first step of mastering how to use Facebook for business is preparing your Facebook Page.

Here’s how:

1. Create your Facebook Business Page

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Head to You need to be logged into a Facebook personal account to get started, but your personal information will not appear on your new business page.

Choose your page type: Business/brand or Community/public figure

Enter your business details.

2. Add brand images

Upload your profile and cover photos. Make sure to use the optimum image sizes for Facebook so they look their best.

3. Complete your Page info

Click Edit Page Info and fill in the following sections:

Description: 255 characters to describe who you are and what you do.

Contact information: Fill in all the ways you want people to be able to reach you (including your website).

Extra options: If it’s relevant to your business, add your operating hours, price range, and privacy policy.

4. Create your Facebook username

Your username helps people find you on Facebook. Click Create Page @Username to make one. It can be up to 50 characters long.

Facebook marketing ideas for your vanity URL:

Choose a search-friendly Page name. In most cases, this will be your brand name.

If possible, use a consistent username across social networks.

5. Add a call-to-action button

A call-to-action button gives people a quick and easy way to reach out to you, shop for your products, or otherwise engage with your business. Click Add a Button under your cover photo to set one up.

6. Review your Facebook Page settings

Your Facebook Page settings give you custom control over who sees what on your page. Take a look to make sure you understand the privacy and security settings in particular.

That’s it! Your Facebook Page is set up and ready to go.

Facebook Pages are the gateway for businesses to market to this holy grail of users. A Facebook Page is a public presence similar to a personal profile, but allows fans to “like” the business, brand, celebrity, cause, or organization. Fans receive content updates from the Page on their News Feed, while the business is able to raise brand awareness, deploy and track advertising, collect detailed audience insights, and chat with users who seek customer service.

Below you’ll find everything you need to know to become a master Facebook marketer. No matter if your business has had a Page for years or you’re just getting started, this comprehensive guide is for you.

Facebook Marketing, the Inbound Way

Before we dive in, let’s get one thing out of the way. There are many ways to approach marketing on Facebook, but we’ll stick to the one we love most: inbound.

An inbound strategy is about being helpful and relatable to your audience. It involves understanding the goals of your customer and partnering with them to overcome challenges. One of the best ways to do this is to be available where they already spend their time — that means you need to be present on Facebook.

Facebook’s tools cater to the business that wants to form an authentic relationship with their audience. It allows marketers to create and distribute quality content that’s helpful for users. And it allows sales and customer services reps to connect with consumers interested in a brand.

It’s not about being spammy, annoying, or deceiving.

If you’re building a Facebook Page just to check one more thing off the branding to-do list, think again. True Facebook marketing requires a consistent, long-term commitment. But we promise, the awareness and demand will be worth it.

How to Get Facebook Likes and Fans

Of course, you want your Facebook business Page to be successful. However, what success looks like on social media will vary based on your business goals. Your top focus could be launching new products, building awareness, driving sales, or collecting leads.

But no matter what, you need likes.

A “like” is how a user raises their hand and intentionally chooses to see updates from your business in their News Feed.

In this section, we’ll give you some practical strategies to get Facebook Page likes from the moment your Page goes live and how to grow that demand into the future.

When it comes to Facebook marketing, posting content is the core function of the job. Without a consistent flow of content, your Page exists solely as a source of information for people who are already aware of your brand.

In other words, it’s no different than the most basic of websites.

However, when you use Facebook to publish and share quality content, you extend your reach into the big blue ocean of Facebook’s users. Users discover your content and may choose to like your Page to continue the relationship. Over time, their trust in your brand increases, hopefully enough to make a purchase.

That’s the recipe of inbound marketing, after all.

How to Post to Your Facebook Page

To post on your Facebook Page, look for the white box below your cover photo that says “Write something …” and simply begin typing. When your update is ready to go (after a proofread, of course), hit “Share Now”. From this field, you can also add a photo or video, tag a product or location, run a poll, or schedule or backdate your post if you so choose.

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